Posted by allisong on 09/30/2015

An ad was created by a Cape Town agency, Not Norm for Scouts South Africa (SSA), the biggest youth organization in South Africa. The group teaches children and young adults "leadership abilities, teamwork, self-motivation, commitment, perseverance, environmental and cultural awareness and strong values," among other things, according to their website. The powerful ad is set to the sounds of an all-encompassing ocean, while on the shore, an empty chair and a book move with a quiet breeze. There's no one else around, sans the two people in the water. Then, a faint high note sounds in the background, intensifying the video as a young boy, dressed in full clothing, carries a girl in a swimsuit out from the water.

Using his instincts, the boy performs CPR on the girl. And suddenly, the video cuts ahead to the boy, all grown up...

...To reveal that this scene, in fact, was between father and daughter.

In the powerful ad, a father uses life-saving lessons he learned as a young boy on his daughter in a near-death experience years later.
The ad demonstrates the importance of learning how to react in such situations, and particularly knowing how to perform CPR. The skillset is the kind that can last a lifetime.

"About 92 percent of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital, but statistics prove that if more people knew CPR, more lives could be saved," according to the American Heart Association. "Immediate CPR can double, or even triple, a victim’s chance of survival."

And as suggested in the video, CPR is one of the important lessons children learn through the SSA program.

"Learn It Young. Remember It Forever," the message reads.

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