Message from SCA Foundation on Los Angeles wildfires

Dear Los Angeles Region Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivors, Co-Survivors, Advocates, EMS First Responders, Critical Care Providers and Fire Fighters: On behalf of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation (SCAF) Board of Directors and staff team, we want to express our sincere concern for all of you… Read More

Your ongoing support is critical

Dear Friends, As we approach the close of another year, it is with immense gratitude that we reflect upon the strides made by the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation in 2024. Our progress would not have been possible without unwavering support from individuals like you. Your generosity has propelled… Read More

You can save a life in a New York minute

People from New York City and surrounding areas plan to join Every Second Counts CPR for an amazing event you won’t want to miss. The “Everyone Can Help Save a Life with Two Hands” event will kick off National Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness month in Times Square at the Red Stairs located at Father… Read More

OPINION: It takes a system to save a life

Published in Anchorage Daily News By Doug Schrage and Michael Levy Sudden cardiac death (SCD) was cast into the spotlight when 23 million viewers saw Damar Hamlin collapse on a football field followed by his successful resuscitation due to immediate bystander CPR and the use of an automated… Read More

NPR's unbalanced story on CPR has done a disservice

A message to National Public Radio I am a physician, cardiac arrest survivor, and Chair of the Board of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation. Our organization is dedicated to improving the survival of victims of sudden cardiac arrest and maximizing the quality of life of those fortunate to survive… Read More

How saving an SCA victim heals our world

Damar Hamlin died doing what he loved to do — playing football — but the NFL wants its players to live long and prosper, so the league ensured that his life went on. Highly trained experts stood ready for the electrical short circuit that occurred in Hamlin’s heart during the game. Known as “v-fib… Read More

A teachable moment and a seismic shift

As the world waits in hopeful anticipation that Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills will recover completely from his sudden cardiac arrest during Monday Night Football, we at the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation pray for Damar, his family, and all those involved in his care. We also recognize that… Read More

Five thoughts on the Damar Hamlin collapse

Chest compressions are important but what is really needed is defibrillation. Lessons learned include the need for education on how to help fellow humans and a public health commitment to access to AEDs. The obvious first statement is that it's neither wise nor appropriate to speculate on the… Read More

Recognition is key to SCA survival

When Damar Hamlin's heart stopped during an NFL game this week, ESPN cut to a commercial. One of the most dramatic events in football history unfolded in the six minutes after Hamlin collapsed and the situation was deemed unsuitable for viewers. This is worth a replay. Our societal aversion to… Read More

A father's wish, a bioethicist's dilemma

A Johns Hopkins University faculty member recounts the agonizing decision he had to make for a parent unable to communicate with the world. Dad was in the middle of making coffee when his heart stopped. From the next room of the house they shared in San Antonio, his new fiancée, Robin, heard the… Read More