Posted by mnewman on 07/03/2008

The following letter was published in The New York Times, Tuesday, July 1, 2008.

To the Editor:

Re: From a Prominent Death, Some Painful Truths,” (June 24) 

The day that Tim Russert died, about 500 others suffered sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and most victims died. The 30 or so who survived know they are alive and well today because Good Samaritans at the scene called 911, gave cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and used an automated external defibrillator (AED)—within minutes of their collapse.

Tim’s death may not have been preventable, given his extensive underlying coronary artery disease. But for hundreds of thousands of people who suffer SCA each year in the U.S., death does not have to be a permanent condition. The victim can be brought back to life if someone at the scene takes action. Perhaps the best way to honor Tim’s legacy is to learn CPR and how to use an AED.

-Mary Newman, Pittsburgh

The writer is President of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation 

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