Posted by allisong on 06/24/2013

The HeartRescue Project, an effort by the Medtronic Foundation to raise awareness about sudden cardiac arrest, has made an interactive simulation that lets you actually try and save a person’s life.

When you go to the site, you have two options: you can save a life at the mall, or you can save a life at a gym with NBA player, Ricky Rubio.

What I found so informative about this is that rather than just an instructional video, you actually have to make the choices to see what happens. For example, in the gym simulation, while you are working out you see a man just fall over on the other side of the room. Now you have two choices: go over and see what’s wrong, or continue your workout. This choice should be pretty obvious, but when you get over to him you have to make the choice to call 911 or to look for help.

I’m not going to give away what happens depending on what you choose, but I will say that what you do will determine if the man lives or dies. When I finished it I was left knowing that in the case of sudden cardiac arrest, it really is a situation where one decision can have a serious impact on a victim’s survival.

Both simulations take place in very realistic settings where cardiac arrest commonly happens. Oh, and you also get to see, should you choose to use it, how a Lifepak CR Plus AED works and what it does (hint – use the AED!!).

I timed the simulation and it only takes about 4-5 minutes. So if you have the time, this is definitely worth checking out and something to share with your friends.

HeartRescue Now Simulator at the Mall:

HeartRescue Now Simulator at the Gym:…

- See more at:…
