Posted by allisong on 07/10/2013

Councilman Mike Bonin seeks to expand the overhaul of the aging systems that have contributed to longer 911 response times. He suggests tablet computers, such as iPads, for firefighters in the field. With the aim of improving 911 response times, a new Los Angeles city councilman is pushing for a far-reaching plan to expand the Fire Department's overhaul of its aging technology systems. Mike Bonin has asked the LAFD and city technology officials to develop a "master plan" to better coordinate a series of upgrades being made to the department's dispatching and data systems. Among other things, he wants city officials to work with private-sector experts to explore creating new applications that firefighters can use on tablet computers, such as Apple's popular iPad.

With the advent of modern technology in the hands of our emergency personnel, we can be assured that lifesaving measures such as AED application and early CPR will be utilized in the quickest manner.
