Posted by Bob Trenkamp on 12/30/2011

The following report is from Central New York

Real Hero:Adult Good Samaritan-Knowing CPR saves father's life
by Laura Hand Posted: 12.29.2011 at 6:00 PM

When Robert Crouse had a massive heart attack while watching TV last April, Stephanie Jackson and her mother were nearby. Both had been trained in CPR, but the mother was too distraught to act, so Stephanie, who had learned CPR ten years earlier in high school, began doing chest compressions and rescue breaths.

All she could think of was 'no one else was going to step up,' says Stephanie. "I always doubted myself, but the brain pulls it out."

It took paramedics ten minutes to get there, and get him to a hospital, where doctors did not expect Robert to survive. He had two more heart attacks, and now has a pacemaker implanted, and he credits his daughter for saving his life.

"If you have the opportunity to take a CPR class, do it," Stephanie Jackson says. And for her willingness to use what she learned, she's been named this year's Red Cross Real Hero Adult Good Samaritan.
