Posted by Heart2Good on 10/10/2012

Ten years ago today, I collapsed with ventricular fibrillation. I owe my life to Tom and Randy who performed CPR on me during a training class in a hotel in Dallas. They thought of giving up in the 12 minutes or so it took for the ambulance to arrive with a defibrillator. I'm glad they did not stop. Because of their efforts, and the fine work of the EMTs, I've gained ten more years of life that I would not have had.

I'm so grateful for the work of all involved - Tom, Randy, the EMTs, the doctors and nurses at the hospital. And for the last ten years, the ongoing care of the electrophysiologists, especially Dr Rubin. I'm also thankful that I have a wonderful husband who took excellent care of me following my SCA and during my recovery. Through him, I know and experience love each day.

I thank God for all the people who are willing to perform bystander CPR and for all the research and technology about how to save the life of someone experiencing SCA.

The cause of my SCA is unknown, and I'm very healthy and very happy, ten years on. I have no after effects, except a bump in my chest where the implanted defibrillator is.

This is truly a Happy Anniversary day for me!

- Carolyn
