Posted by SCAFoundation on 03/14/2014

From Nov. 22, 2013, to Jan. 10, 2014, many Minnesota moviegoers watched something much more useful than product advertising as they waited for movies to start. A public service announcement produced by the Minnesota Resuscitation Consortium (MRC), a program of the University of Minnesota, aired on the big screen in 14 movie theaters statewide as well as on television screens in theater lobbies. The message: Anyone can help save the life of an adult in sudden cardiac arrest.

“We chose theaters to provide a broad coverage of Minnesota,” explained MRC Program Manager Kim Harkins. “Between the 14 theaters, it was projected to have approximately half a million views.”

The 30-second spot informed moviegoers of three simple steps to take when an adult needs medical attention: “Call” 9-1-1 immediately; if the adult is neither responsive nor breathing, “compress” her or his chest at least two inches in depth and 100 times per minute; and, if able to locate an AED, follow its prompts and “clear” when instructed. Viewers were also encouraged to visit to learn more about compressions-only CPR.

We give a big thumbs up to the Minnesota Resuscitation Consortium for their innovative way of reaching out to the state’s citizens to inform them of their ability to save someone in sudden cardiac arrest.

