Posted by wkushubar on 07/20/2012

I had an SCA event 4/5/2009. My short term memory was severly diminished. I've seen quotes where after 20 months, don't expect mprovement. My experience is different. I saw some improvement this past Spring when I reduced my Lipitor prescription from 80 mg daily to 40, and later increased my exercise regimen. My short term memory appeared to improve, along with my ability to focus and concentrate. However, this improvement is inconsistent, and often I still fall into states of confusion, lack of mental acuity, moodiness and impulsiveness. Maybe that is what happens when you are "dead" for 1/2 hour without a hearbeat or pulse.

I have good and bad days short-term memory-wise and with my ability to focus. There must be some cause and effect for the good and bad moments. generally speaking, my ability to solve simple algebraic problems is challenging when it was once simple in Junior High. Remembering events in sequence with over 4-process steps (eg driving directions, stories, etc) is difficult if not impossible.

This is frustrating and greatly hampers my ability to perform in my jobn which requires excellent mathmatical, logic, communications and communications skills. What is the latest in research and who is the best person(s) for me to seek help.
