Posted on 10/25/2015
Survivor Bob Reed with rescuer Roland Duran

2015 Nominee – Roland Duran
Survivor – Bob Reed, Port Aransas, TX, 64 at time of event (February 13, 2015)
Location of event  – Beach

My name is Bob Reed. I am 64-years-old, and I am lucky to be alive. On February 13, 2015, I experienced cardiac arrest while walking on the beach in Port Aransas, Texas, while I was walking my dogs. Port Aransas is our winter home for my wife and me when we are not in Colorado.

I do not remember the event or even walking on the beach that day, but it was the unluckiest and luckiest day of my life. Luckiest because when I collapsed, Roland Duran of Corpus Christi came to my aid. One of my neighbors witnessed the event from his condo and ran to the scene, where he identified me and had the presence of mind to get Roland's name and phone number.

Roland was working with his son Matthew at a temporary job that day installing a new boardwalk to the beach near the condo where I live. I have been told that when I collapsed, I was about 20 yards or so away from Roland.

He had previous experience in CPR because he had been a deputy in the Nueces County Sheriff's office for many years. This training was invaluable. Roland and Matthew quickly came to my aid; Roland started CPR while Matthew flagged down a road grader who was traveling down the beach. Fortunately, the grader operator had a two-way radio in his cab and called 911. Within a short time, the EMS crew from the Corpus Christi Fire Department came to my aid and shocked my heart--four times I was told.

I spent over two weeks in the Heart Hospital in Corpus Christi, where I was given outstanding care.

I am now fully recovered (with an implanted defibrillator). This is due to many people who kept me alive, but especially Roland because he did not hesitate to come to my aid and he knew what to do. I understand there were others nearby who did not, or could not help. Roland's quick and adept actions saved my life and left my cognitive functions intact.

My wife and I are forever grateful for Roland's quick actions in an emergency situation.

The world could use more people like Roland.

Thank you for your consideration.

Nominated by Bob Reed

