Survivor: Ann Furner
Date of Event:
Rescuer(s):Ryan Skowron, Thomas Krol, Tom Furner, Lori Fiorentino
Ann Furner was looking forward to a day of faith and music. She and her husband, Tom, decided to attend an early morning Mass before heading to a Christian rock concert. But during the service, Ann suddenly collapsed.
A swift response from the congregation
Thomas Krol, a volunteer firefighter, immediately called for help. Lori Fiorentino, a nurse practitioner, rushed to Ann's side, checking for a pulse and calling 911.
With no AED available, Lori and Tom began CPR. Another nurse, Ryan Skowron, joined in, taking over compressions while Lori guided Ann's husband, Tom, through rescue breathing.
A 15-minute fight for life
For 15 agonizing minutes, the trio worked tirelessly, their only tools their hands and their unwavering determination. Finally, EMTs arrived with the life-saving AED. Ann was shocked multiple times before regaining a pulse.
A grateful survivor
Ann woke up in the ambulance, arguing with the EMTs that she'd had a seizure. She was in disbelief, unaware of the gravity of her situation. She spent the next six days in the ICU, undergoing tests and procedures. She was one of the lucky few to survive an SCA in a public place and wake up with no neurological damage.
A new purpose
Ann is eternally grateful to Thomas, Lori, and Ryan. Their quick thinking, teamwork, and CPR skills saved her life. She now has a new purpose: to educate others about the importance of CPR training and AEDs in public places, especially churches.
A Nomination for the People Saving People Award
Ann nominated Thomas, Lori, and Ryan for the 2023 People Saving People Award. Their selfless actions and unwavering dedication in the face of a life-threatening emergency make them true heroes. They exemplify the spirit of the award, reminding us that even strangers can become lifesavers.
Ann's story is a powerful reminder that every second counts in a cardiac emergency. It highlights the importance of CPR training and AED accessibility, and it showcases the incredible impact that ordinary people can have when they step up to help others.