Pittsburgh--KDKA TV News anchor, Susan Koeppen, will be leading this year’s Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation team at the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community. The 5K walk will be held on May 19, starting at Stage AE on Pittsburgh’s North Shore at 9:00 am.
Susan, herself a survivor of cardiac arrest, will be there to call attention to the need for Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) at all locations where people gather, and to stress importance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training in the event of cardiac emergencies in the home, school, workplace and recreation areas. She will be joined by other survivors—and families who have lost someone to sudden cardiac death.
While only eight percent of SCA victims (382,500 annually) survive the event, 38 percent of victims could be saved if they were treated in a timely, effective manner. Survival rates in Pittsburgh reflect the national statistics.
Susan recently spoke about helping the Foundation prevent avoidable deaths through early intervention with CPR and defibrillators.
“I have an avenue to tell my story that most (survivors) don’t,” she said. “I’m very passionate about getting out the word on cardiac arrest and showing people how to save lives.”
The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation is asking everyone to help in that effort by joining Susan’s Team at this year’s walk. Friends of the Foundation may support the team as walkers or virtual walkers. The individual or group that raises the most for the Foundation will win an AED, donated by Cardiac Science.
All funds raised through the Highmark Walk for the Foundation will be used to elevate public awareness about sudden cardiac arrest and the simple things anyone can do to help save a life.
To sign up to walk with Susan’s Team at the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community, click here, contact Amanda Seagle, or call the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation at 724-934-0034.
-A. J. Caliendo