Posted by nphong91 on 05/28/2014

Hello everyone, I am new to this forum so let me know if this is not acceptable.

After years of working on this project, I am about to launch multiple campaigns:

1- to raise awareness of SCA and my approach to alleviate this problem
2- to raise funding to launch my completely free mobile app to save lives
3- to seek endorsements from as many SCA focused organizations as possible

You see, all the studies point to bystander's participation as key to save lives. Yet, even though we have millions of people who are CPR certified, and thousands of AED across the country, SCA survival rate is not increased overall in the US (sorry, preaching to the choir). My mobile app will connect any bystander to the NEAREST CPR-certified person within less than a minute. By conferencing them together, it's a one-to-one Call To Action since the app will only "conference" (call and connect) the bystanders to the "available" CPR person, one who signs up and provides his/her availability so the app can track him/her for SCA alerts. So far, there are broadcast mobile app for SCA, but I believe that one-to-one connect is the best way to go.

If you are related to, or are a SCA victim, please send me a picture of the SCA victim and a short bio (a short video clip is even better). I would like to use it in our video for the campaigns. The video will be used for those purposes aforementioned, and your help would be greatly appreciated. If you belong to any SCA focused organizations, please contact me so I provide all relevant information to seek your organization's endorsement. We are on the same side, please help me to help everyone. The app is completely free for everyone to use, bystanders or helpers, and it takes only two clicks to get help (the app tells you to call 911 first).

thanks a bunch.


