How SCA Shaped My Life Today

This is my first personal blog post sharing my story with SCA. First off, my name is JR Bunda and I am currently 26 years old. I went into sudden cardiac arrest on December 10, 2012 when I had just turned 22 the week before. At the time I was a senior in college, playing Division I baseball at the… Read More

My Story, 6 minutes and 30 seconds

1000 things could have gone wrong. Everything went right. One second I am running on a basketball court and the next second I'm in an ambulance being taken to the hospital. That was my experience. What happened? I went into a fatal heart rhythm, ventricular fibrillation. I had no blockages,… Read More

Rachel's El Camino: It's not just a walk!

Hello fellow SCA survivor's and ICD recipients!! The 25th Anniversary of my SCD will be this December. To commemorate this achievement, I will be walking over 500 miles on - the centuries old spiritual pilgrimage trail - the El Camino de Santiago, starting in France, and ending at the sea in… Read More

The Day I Woke Up to a Real ‘Life’ Medical Emergency

The Day I Woke Up to a Real ‘Life’ Medical Emergency 2016 by Connie Hansen On the morning of July 4th, while vacationing in Ludington, MI. with family and friends (at a resort with cabins on Hamlin Lake), I woke to my husband Mark gasping for air. I knew something was very wrong but not sure what… Read More


I would just like to know if any one of you experience changes in your looks

Everything went perfectly... after the Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Healthy 25 year old female drops dead. Yeah, those things happen. My husband and I got a phone call at ten o'clock on a December night at our home in Houston with the news that our daughter had collapsed and was 'stabilized'. That was all the news we were going to get until we showed up in… Read More


Only very rarely will CPR bring a victim back without use of electricity and / or drugs. And because your probability of being brought back declines every minute after your arrest, Having an AED with you really bends the odds in your favor. It's smart to insure against catastrophic outcomes. There… Read More

How to Help Your Loved One Come Back After SCA

If you're reading this perhaps you are lucky enough to have a loved one who survived sudden cardiac arrest. Wonderful! Let me share my personal experience with you in case it can help you unlock your loved one's mind and bring he or she back to his or her old self. My dad had a SCA and was lucky… Read More

I'm Still Dancing on This Side of the Ground

On July 16, 2016 in celebration of life, I will be spending dinner with the two bystanders who used their collective CPR skill to save my life. On November 15, 2016, I was driving a big rig with a 53 foot trailer full of the United states Mail, I drove for a private contractor. I was traveling over… Read More

My Incident

Last October, I was jogging on a treadmill at my gym only going 5.2 mph, which is a slow pace when suddenly everything went black. There was no white light, no shining tunnel just an instant and complete blackout. The next thing I remember is being flat on my back on the now still treadmill with… Read More