AED training added to school health requirements

While graduating from high school has many requirements, Washington students have another: training in saving lives. Under House Bill 1556, students are now required to have training in using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to help save someone going into cardiac arrest. The law was… Read More

Putting the FDA's Recent Safety Communication in Context

Philips HeartStart FRx, Home, and OnSite AEDs are safe and effective, and owners should not hesitate to retrieve and use these life-saving devices in cardiac arrest emergencies. That’s the lead. Yet, you wouldn’t know that from all the frightening media headlines generated in response to the recent… Read More

Keep Your Holidays Happy and Healthy with Sudden Cardiac Arrest Protection

CardioReady offers a few revealing facts reinforcing the need for greater SCA preparedness in the workplace As you toast your employees for another year of hard work and spread holiday cheer throughout the office, why not thank them with the best gift you can give - a safe work environment – all… Read More

San Diego County to Adopt CPR Smartphone App

SAN DIEGO (CNS) - The San Diego County Board of Supervisors Tuesday unanimously approved a coupling of the region's emergency response system with a smartphone app that would notify people with CPR training when someone in their immediate vicinity is suffering sudden cardiac arrest. County… Read More

A different way of thinking about CPR

The American Heart Association teaches two types of CPR. For healthcare professionals, the BLS (Basic Life Support) class is required. For Bystanders, continuous chest compressions are taught for adults. Understandably, a natural split has evolved along the lines of professional credentials: if you… Read More

Today is #Giving Tuesday

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have passed. Today is a day to give back. It's Giving Tuesday, a national day of giving that celebrates the spirit of generosity.  With your support, the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation, an official 2013 Giving Tuesday partner, named a 2013 Top-Rated Nonprofit by… Read More

Is it just me?

My blog is really what I just wrote for my bio. Sorry, I am new here. I’m a 52 year old white male. Not fat, not skinny. Not sedate, not athletic. Work a fairly physical job. Paranoid my ENTIRE life about having a heart attack. I was constantly nagging doctors about terrible family history of… Read More

Can Anyone Tell Me

In 2011 I had SCA. I have been trying to recall the feeling I had just before I collapsed. My granddaughter was the only one in the room and she said I bent over the sink in the kitchen and said I feel weir........and collapsed. I was wondering what that weird feeling was. I guess I want to know… Read More

Can Anyone Tell Me

In 2011 I had SCA. I have been trying to recall the feeling I had just before I collapsed. My granddaughter was the only one in the room and she said I bent over the sink in the kitchen and said I feel weir........and collapsed. I was wondering what that weird feeling was. I guess I want to know… Read More

Can Anyone Tell Me

In 2011 I had SCA. I have been trying to recall the feeling I had just before I collapsed. My granddaughter was the only one in the room and she said I bent over the sink in the kitchen and said I feel weir........and collapsed. I was wondering what that weird feeling was. I guess I want to know… Read More