We Need More Survival Stories !

Much too often we hear "He/She died in his/her sleep. This happens even when someone is sleeping next to the person. It happens because in most cases of sudden cardiac arrest, the stricken person cannot even yell, let alone press a button (as in those alert systems) or call 911. So in essence, an… Read More

AEDs: An Easy But Largely Unknown Way to Save a Life

Sudden cardiac arrest -- when, without warning, the heart instantly stops beating -- kills 350,000 Americans of various ages and occupations a year, according to the American Heart Association. Yet now, with high school sports teams in intensive training for their fall seasons, now is when we are… Read More

Uniformity in Regulations Needed for AED Laws

There is no dispute that portable defibrillators, simple-to-use device that supply jolts to shock a stilled heart to beat again, could save tens of thousands of lives a year in this country alone if they are accessible to willing bystanders. But across America, there is anything but agreement among… Read More

Defibrillators can make a difference in schools

When a heart stops beating, moments matter. For every minute without emergency care, chances of surviving cardiac arrest dip about 10 percent. It’s statistics like this that have inspired local doctors, school officials and parents to come together to educate the community on how to prevent and… Read More


TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senator Fred Madden (D – Gloucester, Camden) that would require the reporting of children’s sudden cardiac events and establish a statewide database to keep track of such information was signed into law today. “Collecting data about sudden cardiac events is the… Read More

CPR details

THE SHORT FORM: Please go to www.slicc.org/CPRdetails.php and fill in the requested information. We need to understand the limits of chest compression capacity in more detail before we set about fixing the problem. THE DETAILS: Every five years, ILCOR & AHA issue their updated CPR Guidelines.… Read More

Heart Attack vs Sudden Cardiac Arrest

In my brief involvement in this area, I find it shocking that other than those in the medical field, I would say more than 90% of common folks do not even know the difference between a Heart Attack and a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. But its not that hard to explain and people get it, once you tell them… Read More

Some Metro Station Defibrillators Aren't In Their Public Boxes - This hurts

See the end of this post for the author's ID and contact info. Photo by Twitter user SCG703. All Metro stations are supposed to be equipped with automated external defibrillators, lifesaving devices that can shock a person's heart back into a normal rhythm. But as one advocacy group recently… Read More

Hypothermia is Making a Comeback in Medicine

Cooling patients who have suffered cardiac arrest can lessen damage to the brain; now researchers are looking for other ways to use induced hypothermia. The last Dr. Peter Franklin remembers, he was lying on a table in the cardiac catheterization lab in a Miami hospital when his chest started to… Read More

Don't Skip Breakfast!

Skipping breakfast increases the risk of heart attack among middle-aged men by more than a quarter, a study has found. The evidence suggests the old adage about breakfast being the most important meal of the day might be right. Researchers in the US analysed diet and lifestyle data on 26,902 male… Read More