Camp Del Corazon 10th Annual Gala del Sol

Camp Del Corazon is holding their 10th Annual Gala del Sol to honor Dr. Dan Levi & Joel McHale. SAVE THE DATE Saturday, April 13, 2013 Hosted by Tom Arnold! 6:00pm: Hosted Cocktails & Silent Auction Featuring music by Uke Box Heroes 8:00pm: Dinner and Program Featuring music by Munkafust… Read More

Costa Mesa to honor bystanders who revived man in cardiac arrest

By ASHER KLEIN / ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER COSTA MESA – Two employees and a member of a 24 Hour Fitness at The Triangle are slated to be honored by city officials for their role in resuscitating a 67-year-old man who'd gone into cardiac arrest at the gym. Employees Josh Graves and Isaiah Nixon, and… Read More

Why Fix What Isn't Broken When Lives Are At Stake?

Re: FDA Issues New Proposals to Improve Quality of AEDs The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation is opposed to the FDA's proposed reclassification of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) as Class III devices. Our Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivor Network is a testament to the fact that AEDs save lives… Read More

Down and dirty, it's really simple.

When you have a sudden cardiac arrest, you are dead: you are not responsive, your heart is not pumping blood, and you are not breathing - at least not normally, (You might be gasping a few times a minute for a while, but you are not breathing normally.) There are three possible outcomes: You will… Read More

Someday this will be too commonplace to print...

The city of Costa Mesa, CA, will honor members of the staff of a 24 Hour Fitness who helped save the life of a 67-year-old man who collapsed at the club but was revived with the aid of an automated external defibrillator (AED). The ceremony to honor the staff will take place at an upcoming city… Read More

Glenwood Gardens Case Provides a Teaching Moment: Early CPR and Defibrillation Saves Lives

Bystander aid can mean the difference between life and death A widely reported incident at an independent living facility in Bakersfield, California, provides an opportunity to reinforce for the general public the importance, simplicity, and effectiveness of basic lifesaving interventions. The… Read More

Compression-only CPR is better!

CPR: Compression-Only Wins the Long Race Bystanders, forget about the breaths — pump that chest! While rescue breathing might be important in certain situations, emergency medical service (EMS) dispatchers have a difficult time quickly establishing whether it's appropriate for individual victims.… Read More

Make different kind of list for the new year!

It's going to be a list of names. Here's how you build it and what you're going to do about it: Start with your name. If you have not refreshed your CPR skills in the past 12-18 months, put a star before your name. Now start adding the names of your family members, friends, acquaintances, etc. If… Read More

Trying to connect with other Survivors

I had an SCA Sept 25, 2010. A day I will always remember, thankfully, from the stories of others. I have only to go by what I was told by others at the time. Apparently I said I feel faint and walla was dead. My husband and nephew were in the process of getting my body out of my truck when my… Read More

Don't miss the point...

San Francisco, CA (updated) - What doesn't kill you is supposed to make you stronger, an adage that many a long-distance runner has clung to, but intriguing findings from a new study presented last week suggest the mortality benefits of running are best accumulated in shorter distances,… Read More