Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation Urges FDA to Reconsider Reclassification of AEDs

The Food and Drug Administration is in the process of reclassifying "pre-amendment class III devices," including automated external defibrillators (AEDs). This proposed increase in regulations will have significant public health consequences, due to reduced access to early defibrillation for the… Read More

Learn CPR and How to Use as AED, SCA Foundation Blog Urges in The Huffington Post

In October, the public, to its credit, tends to think pink -- remembering those who have suffered from breast cancer and celebrating those who have survived. The fact that October is also National Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month is less well known -- perhaps because there are so few survivors… Read More

Could he have been an angel?

This article is the story of a man who recently collapsed on the sidewalk in Manhattan, suffering a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and was given CPR by an unknown bystander. During the commotion when the ambulance arrived with the defibrillator, the stranger disappeared. The man survived his SCA, but the… Read More

This is the way it's supposed to happen, most of the time.

Player, 14, saved by coach's CPR training, automated external defibrillator By Associated Press Knoxville Central High School freshman Hunter Helton had sudden cardiac arrest during a conditioning practice Monday. According to The Knoxville News Sentinel (, coach Jon Higgins… Read More

A Decade Extra

Ten years ago today, I collapsed with ventricular fibrillation. I owe my life to Tom and Randy who performed CPR on me during a training class in a hotel in Dallas. They thought of giving up in the 12 minutes or so it took for the ambulance to arrive with a defibrillator. I'm glad they did not stop… Read More

North Carolina Joins the Sweeping Trend.

North Carolina has passed a law requiring CPR training for graduation from High School. WAY TO GO! There are now a handful of states who require CPR training before graduation, and the pace is accelerating, largely due to the AHA's activist role in encouraging states to adopt such legislation. The… Read More

They are getting with the program...

First two paragraphs form focal Chicago report about Chicago Marathon: The successful defibrillation was treated almost with a yawn. That's super because it means that (a) there was a defibrillator on scene and there is a growing expectation that it will be there and used. Bob "Marathon runner… Read More

Check out this save!

The LA Times carried a story about an attorney who arrested and was saved by his staff members. See,0,83773… Each of us as more than a ten percent chance of seeing - at least once in our lifetime - a family member, a friend, or an… Read More

They don't always work, but at least they are starting to show up on the sideline

High school football player dies after collapsing during game WYFF Greenville Rouse was given CPR and shocked with a defibrillator before the ambulance arrived to take him to the hospital. Players and coaches from both sides prayed as medical personnel tended to Rouse. Hartsville was hosting… Read More

professor of medicine,cardiologist

This important comment is intended to Norman S.Abramson,MD,the chairman of SCA,and Susan Koeppen-a bold survivor of SCA,but committed to reduce SCA by promoting AEDs everywhere...please reffer this comment to them-I do not have their emails. I have recently developed a new technology for home-… Read More