Please alert everyone you know who has survived a sudden cardiac arrest: there will be a very helpful workshop in Orlando in mid-September. This will be very helpful for survivors, spouses, and rescuers. Details are at Bob

YOU do the math...

[If you have an AED at home, you can skip this.] The monthly total cost of ownership for an AED is on the range of $20-$30 over ten years, depending upon the model and how well you shop. Two thirds of all cardiac arrests in the U.S.A. occur in the home. Your odds of seeing a family member, friend… Read More

Just what ARE the odds?

Well, it depends... Was your arrest witnessed? If there's nobody else around when you have your cardiac arrest - or if there is someone else around and they don't notice that you have died - you have a 3.9% chance of getting out of the hospital with your major brain functions intact. How often does… Read More

Short-term memory loss

I had an SCA event 4/5/2009. My short term memory was severly diminished. I've seen quotes where after 20 months, don't expect mprovement. My experience is different. I saw some improvement this past Spring when I reduced my Lipitor prescription from 80 mg daily to 40, and later increased my… Read More

improving the odds.

My family all know what to do when they witness a sudden cardiac arrest: if the victim is non-responsive and not breathing normally, they call 911, they get the victim on a hard, flat surface with the head tilted back, and they begin compressing the chest at least two inches deep at a rate between… Read More

It's time to re-think CPR.

I believe that if the BLS curriculum were changed to teach what current resuscitation science teaches, many tens of thousand more people in North America would survive cardiac arrests than currently do. ("Survive" means "Get discharged from the hospital with major brain functions intact - i.e.,… Read More

The Paradox of Death and Deathlessness: An Experiential Inquiry from a Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivor

For your consideration:… At one point, shortly after my sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), I very carefully reviewed the string of memories from just before my SCA until I woke up in the hospital. In doing this, I was very careful to… Read More

Follow the link, PLEASE!… This is really important. Immediate CPR works, Prompt Defibrillation yields even higher survival rates.


If people listen to Dr. George Lundberg, it will be very unfortunate for future victims of sudden cardiac arrest. He states in MedPage Today, "If an average adult keels over in the street, is found unresponsive and pulseless by a bystander, and is administered CPR while a 911 call is made, the odds… Read More

Defibrillators saving lives at suburban schools

By Kimberly Pohl An animated Rich Keller recently stood at third base on a beautiful spring afternoon, his hands delivering a series of signals that let his batter know she should lay down a bunt. No one would ever guess that Schaumburg High School’s freshman softball coach had collapsed — just one… Read More