He Saved My Life!

Here is a link to the new blog of one of the firefighters who saved my life. He mentions a little bit of my story in his first post. http://corpulentkeister.blogspot.com Thanks! Douglas

Please Don't Make It Harder to Save Another Life by Reclassifying AEDs

This blog was previously published in The Huffington Post. The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation has launched a petition to the Food and Drug Administration to keep automated external defibrillators (AEDs) readily accessible for victims of sudden unexpected cardiac arrest, rather than increase… Read More

Happy Re-Birthday, Justin Rephas!

  Today is the one-year anniversary of College of Charleston student Justin Rephas' brush with sudden cardiac arrest.  Happy Rebirthday, Justin. And congratulations to Medical University of South Carolina nursing student Meg Skeele and Dr. Michael Bernard, bystanders who helped Justin "stay alive"… Read More

MICR still paying off

Cardiac Arrest Survival Rates Triple For Ariz. FD STAFF EXPLORER NEWSPAPER THE EXPLORER (TUCSON, ARIZONA) CREATED: DECEMBER 11, 2012 Survival rates have more than tripled for cardiac arrest patients in the Northwest Fire District (NWFD) as a result of a new treatment protocol and a close… Read More

Another piece of the compelling case...

see: http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/126/24/2844.full.pdf+html The results of a Japanese study was published in today's issue of circulation. The study showed that there is a significant advantage to the victim of an out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest when the rescuers use compression-only… Read More

Are you a gambler?

If you see an out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest happen - and there's a 14% chance that you will at least once in your lifetime - and if we're not trained, that person will likely stay dead or be brought back with brain damage, just because you wouldn't spend a few hours every two years learning… Read More

I Finally Submitted my Video for CNN Fit Nation 2013!!!

Good morning! As you may have read a few weeks ago, I have had the goal to apply for the CNN Fit Nation Triathlon Team. Well, I finally did it! Here is a link to my video: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-889198 And here is a copy of my final essay: Luck of the Irish “Hello!” Dr. Gupta and the… Read More

Shift happens

Last week I drove to NY to see my old buddy Dr Rubin, electrophysiologist supremo. He's just the best darn doctor I've ever had the pleasure to be a patient of. Well, it turns out that that I finally made some use of my ICD (Medtronic Virtuoso). It's the second ICD I've had - it replaced the first… Read More

Blueprint for an airport

If you are one of the 376 airports in the U.S.A. and don't have a program like this, here are the instructions: __________________ On October 17, a woman and her husband were on their way to the United Airlines ticket counter in Terminal 2 when the woman began experiencing difficulty breathing and… Read More

Luck of the Irish

***The following essay is from my essay to the CNN Fit Nation: 2013 Triathlon Challenge. http://ireport.cnn.com/topics/856830 ****I'll add a link to my video once I have posted. I'd be honored for this dream to become a reality. "Luck of the Irish" As I’ve spent the last few days watching iReport… Read More