Sudden Cardiac Deaths Among Volunteer Firefighters--and Everyone Else

Thankfully, the number of deaths among volunteer firefighters in the U.S. has declined to a record low--27 such deaths in 2012. During the same time period, the overall incidence of sudden cardiac death in the U.S. was about 324,000 (359,400 x 90 percent survival). So, the number of people dying… Read More

Helping Bystanders Perform CPR Until EMS Is "Hands-On"

SLICC has officially begun promoting an alternative CPR technique for those who are - for one of a variety of reasons cannot perform guideline-compliant manual chest compressions. THIS TECHNIQUE IS FOR BYSTANDERS ONLY. PEOPLE WHO ARE FUNCTIONING IN A ROLE REQUIRING HEALTHCARE PROVIDER STATUS MUST… Read More

L.A. Fire Department is asked to broaden its tech reach.

Councilman Mike Bonin seeks to expand the overhaul of the aging systems that have contributed to longer 911 response times. He suggests tablet computers, such as iPads, for firefighters in the field. With the aim of improving 911 response times, a new Los Angeles city councilman is pushing for a… Read More

James Gandolfini Death Could Have Been Prevented If Hotel Had AED Says UCLA Cardiologist

ALLENTOWN, Pa., July 4, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- American Med Supply advises all travelers to book a hotel equipped with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) since James Gandolfini's recent death could have been prevented if his hotel had an AED according to a UCLA cardiologist. "James Gandolfini… Read More

'OK Glass, Save A Life.' The Application Of Google Glass In Sudden Cardiac Death

Google GOOG +0.79% Glass has made its way into healthcare. Its use in the operating room and in medical education has been profiled here. Yet the magic of Glass will be found in the applications that can make this “technology” into real-world solutions for health and medicine. It’s a bit like… Read More

Nurse volunteers spread awareness about sudden cardiac arrest

Every time Jenny Keylon, RN, BSN, teaches students how to perform CPR and use an AED, she watches them conquer their fears about saving lives. As a volunteer with the Nick of Time Foundation in Mill Creek, Wash., she regularly demonstrates these basic lifesaving skills to students. Keylon, an… Read More

Former President Ford's Daughter, Susan Ford Bales, Discusses her Sudden Cardiac Arrest and the Importance of Public Awareness

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Susan Ford Bales was 53 and had no idea that she had heart disease, when one day she went into sudden cardiac arrest while exercising on an elliptical machine. “I was extremely lucky,” said Bales, who spoke Tuesday, June 4, at the American Heart Association’s Heart Ball at the JW… Read More

New Jersey law considered to report sudden cardiac incidents to the state

Legislation that would require incidents of sudden heart attacks in student athletes to be reported to the state has passed a state Senate committee and could go to a full Senate vote by the end of June. The bill (S1911), known as the “Children’s Sudden Cardiac Events Reporting Act,” would require… Read More

HeartRescue Simulation Lets You Save a Life

The HeartRescue Project, an effort by the Medtronic Foundation to raise awareness about sudden cardiac arrest, has made an interactive simulation that lets you actually try and save a person’s life. When you go to the site, you have two options: you can save a life at the mall, or you can save a… Read More

Today is the Last Day to Let the FDA Know How You Feel About Increased Regulations of AEDs

The FDA has invited public commentary regarding its proposal to reclassify automated external defibrillators (AEDs) as high-risk class III medical devices. The deadline for submitting comments is today, June 24, 11:59 ET. The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation has urged the FDA to instead regulate… Read More